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Cartier in the twentieth century

Cartier in the twentieth century

Cartier in the twentieth century

Télécharger Ebook Cartier in the twentieth century

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Cartier in the twentieth century

Détails sur le produit

Relié: 272 pages

Editeur : Thames & Hudson Ltd; Édition : 01 (14 octobre 2014)

Langue : Anglais

ISBN-10: 0500517673

ISBN-13: 978-0500517673

Dimensions du produit:

25,9 x 4 x 30,2 cm

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1.087.564 en Livres (Voir les 100 premiers en Livres)

Have to say I'm a little disappointed by this book. It shares the history of the company which is great, but all the jewelry depicted in the book appears to only be their "Exceptional Creations" or High Jewelry. Don't buy this book if you're hoping for more information (and photos) regarding the history of their iconic Love bracelet, as I was. This book feels more like a "museum" piece, a book that Cartier would have commissioned to have in their stores. The hard-core Cartier fan seeking more information about the company and its history will enjoy it.

If you know someone that likes Cartier, buy them this book! It was a Christmas gift that went over extremely well. I'm told it is the same book they have on display for customer to browse in the store. Amazing pictures.

I had to exchange the first one because the box cover was damaged. Second one also had dents despite having bubble wrap around it. This is Cartier. How is that even a thing?

Discovered this wonderful book at the library of The Broadmoor Resort in Colorado Springs, CO during our recent visit in March. Since we would be unable to visit the Denver Museum during their exhibition of Cartier treasures, this was the next best thing! Purchased the book as a gift to my wife. We have both thoroughly enjoyed this volume, and highly recommend it. Superb photography and scholarship about the featured collection throughout!

Bought for a Christmas gift and was perfect. So much has been written about Tiffany and not Cartier. Glad this has changed!

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